HAUST Vision
Our vision is a future Web3 where ubiquitous participation in globalized DeFi protocols is realized. This future prioritizes the secure and dependable operation of these protocols, ensuring user convenience and streamlined interactions, all while facilitating user profitability and minimal network fees. We strive to be the pioneering network to deliver this paradigm shift.
Haust Network is an Application Absolute Liquidity Layer 2 EVM-based Network, with native yield for your crypto assets.
Haust introduces a new paradigm within the blockchain ecosystem by integrating native yield generation functionality directly into the protocol. This enables automatic compounding of user balances over time. The yield generation process leverages a permissionless, programmatic approach by interacting with various liquid staking protocols deployed across supported blockchain networks. These decentralized protocols employ smart contracts to facilitate staking of various crypto assets in a secure and transparent manner. The returns accrued by these protocols are automatically distributed back to Haust users at predetermined intervals. Notably, the Haust protocol is architected to ensure a consistently positive interest rate, even for stablecoin deposits, through a combination of sophisticated algorithmic mechanisms and strategic reserve allocation strategies.
How it works?
Haust yield comes from protocols of liquid staking into different blockchain networks powered by Haustoria — a system of asset management smart contracts.
Haust Network Benefits
Safety, Ease of Use, and Profitability are just a few of the benefits we offer.
Leveraging years of experience with various blockchains and staying ahead of the curve with the latest technological advancements, Haust network offers unparalleled security for our users.
Ease of Use
By using Telegram user ID, users can easily access their Haust wallet. This simplifies cryptocurrency use by providing an all-in-one solution, eliminating the need to store multiple seed phrases for different accounts.
Since Haustoria is a set of smart contracts that automatically stakes funds across different high-APR platforms, users can earn the highest possible returns and also benefit from token rebases.
Onboard Telegram users
Haust’s toolkit includes a Telegram wallet-bot, which allows users to quickly connect to Haust blockchain and interact with blockchain Networks.
Haust Network plans to create a vast ecosystem for the community. This is a small part of what we are planning.
A passionate community of developers and blockchain enthusiasts united by a shared vision: building a functional network governed and developed by its members through a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO).

Haust Wallet is a Telegram bot (mini-app) that seamlessly integrates with the Haust Network blockchain. Haust Wallet offers a comprehensive suite of financial services, including: staking, lending, exchange and a loyalty program. **Beta testing wallet
Our robust voting mechanism empowers stakeholders to actively participate in shaping the DAO's future. Through secure and transparent on-chain voting, community members have a direct say in crucial decisions, including: Fund allocation, Protocol upgrades, Governance changes.
Haust Labs is a dedicated contributor to the advancement of the blockchain ecosystem. Through the exploration and integration of these advancements, Haust Labs plays a vital role in the evolution of blockchain technology, enabling enhanced functionality and improved performance.
Q4 ‘24
Mainnet launch
  • Deployment of the network based on PoS consensus
  • Integration with Ethereum, Polygon, and Binance Smart Chain blockchains
  • Launch of Haustoria contracts in each network
  • Integration with social networks and messengers (Telegram, WeChat)
  • Launch of a mobile wallet with user-friendly UX and fiat onramp
  • Security audits
  • Listing of HAUST token on major DEXs
Q1 ‘25 - Q3 ‘25
Ecosystem expansion
  • Integration with Solana, Avalanche, and Fantom blockchains
  • Launch of a grants program for developers
  • Integration with Chainlink and Band Protocol for oracles
  • Partnerships with leading DeFi protocols (Aave, Curve, Compound)
  • Launch of a mobile wallet with user-friendly UX and fiat onramp
  • Expansion of liquidity pools and listing on CEXs
Q4 ‘25 - Q1 ‘26
Infrastructure development
  • Launch of a cross-chain bridge for fast asset transfer between networks
  • Integration with privacy protocols (Aztec, Tornado Cash)
  • Launch of an NFT marketplace for trading gaming and collectible items
Anton Patrynika
Haust Network
Project founder and CEO

I've been working in frontend development for crypto projects and noticed three main issues: security vulnerabilities, complex interfaces, and high transaction fees. Inspired by these challenges, I developed Haust, a solution leveraging liquidity from major blockchains.

Haust features Haustorium smart contracts, which allocate funds to yield-generating programs, earning income for liquidity providers. Additionally, Haust offers a user-friendly access through a Telegram bot.

My team and I are actively implementing Haust to make cryptocurrency more accessible and profitable.
